Before the Ceremony: The Party Before the Party

More pictures from before the ceremony:

Orange web bullet More pictures: Before the Ceremony: Getting Things Ready

Cannon and Jim Cathy and Jeannette

Cannon and Jim S. Jim came all the way up from Palm Springs.

Cathy and Jeannette.

Eugene, Tony, and Dale Rick and Alicia

Our friend (and Karin's husband) Eugene, with our friends Tony and Dale from Palm Springs.

David's workmate Rick, with his lovely wife Alicia.

James C. Jeff and Lily

James, who came all the way out from New Haven. He's studying nursing at Yale. James was kind enough to take photos during the wedding.

Jeff and Lily having coffee and aguas frescas.

Kinda, Marilyn, and Bill Marlene and Peter

Chris' workmates Linda and Bill, with Bill's sister Marilyn.

David's workmate Peter, with his wife Marlene.

Everyone gathering just before the ceremony

Everyone sitting down just before the ceremony.

All material on this site copyright David Goldsmith 1998-2006. All rights reserved.