Before the Ceremony: Getting Things Ready

More pictures from before the ceremony:

Orange web bullet More pictures: Before the Ceremony: The Party Before the Party

Preparing the Arbor Constance

Joyce and Constance decorating the arbor.

Constance taking a breather. She and Felice were among the first to arrive and worked hard to make the house and setting look even more beautiful.

Ceremony setupPatio Table arrangement

The setting where our ceremony was held.

One of the flower arrangements on the tables. Chris and Constance planned all the flowers and table linens and they really came out beautifully.

Joe assembling cake Flowers and bread

We are regulars at a place in Glen Park called Destination Baking Company. We think this place has some of the best (if not the best) pastry in San Francisco and we often drop in to have a bite of something sweet and shoot the breeze. We asked the owner, Joe, to make us a cake and were thrilled that he agreed to. Here's Joe assembling the cake.

Flower arrangement with bread.

Penn and Chris Caterers

Penn and Chris a couple of hours before the ceremony.

The caterers, who were setting up for a couple of hours before the ceremony.

Finishing touches on cake Cake all assembled

Joe again, putting the finishing touches on the cake.

And the cake is all assembled.

David before the ceremony Chris and David with Cake

David relaxing and meeting and greeting before the ceremony.

Chris and David together with the fully-assembled cake.

Constance pinning Chris The scene before

Constance pinning a flower on Chris as we get ready to go out to be married.

This is what Penn's garden and back yard looked like before the guests started arriving.

All material on this site copyright David Goldsmith 1998-2006. All rights reserved.