Gaudi's Casa Milà

Casa Mila Casa Mila Ticket

Casa Milà, also known as La Padrera, as seen from the street on a beautiful day in Barcelona.

We found the ticket office, purchased our ticket, and went in to Casa Milà with no wait.

Architectural Stress Model Casa Mila Rooftop

Casa Milà has a museum in its top story. When you tour the building, you first go upstairs and through this museum, then up to the roof with its famous chimneys, and finally through a model apartment. The picture shows a stress model Gaudi used when he was designing one of the chimneys.

A picture of the rooftop of Casa Milà.

Casa Mila Chimney Casa Mila Walls

Detail of one of the more fanciful chimneys.

A close-up of one of the curved outer walls of the building, with chimneys in the background.

David on Roof Sagrada Familia

Me up on the rooftop, at the base of one of the larger chimneys.

Casa Milà is not far from Gaudi's most famous work, the unfinished Sagrada Familia Cathedral. We got a good view of Sagrada Familia from the roof of Casa Milà.

All material on this site copyright David Goldsmith 1998-2003. All rights reserved.