Hiking in Vermont

Bridge Bridge

This is the spectacular US Highway 4 bridge over the Quechee Gorge. The hiking trail we took went right under the bridge.

Another view of the bridge.

Quechee Gorge Visitors' Center at Quechee Gorge

Quechee River Gorge, taken from the bridge.

The Visitors' Center on Highway 4. Nothing special to recommend a stop except the restrooms.

David in the Gorge Chris in the Gorge

David in the river bed at the bottom of the gorge.

Chris at the end of the trail, at the bottom of the gorge.

A Dog in the Gorge Marsh Pond near Quechee Gorge

A dog fetching a stick from the river. enjoying one of the last warm autumn days of the year.

Returning along the same path, we came to this beautiful pond, where I took a number of pictures.

Pond Butterfly

Marshland near the pond.

Close up of a monarch butterfly in the grasslands around the pond.

Pond Pond

First picture of a four part panorama of the pond.

Second picture in the panorama.

Pond Pond

Third picture in the panorama.

Fourth picture in the panorama.

Our Inn Lawn in front of Our Inn

Our inn near Woodstock, Vermont.

Lawn in front of the Inn.

Barn at Our Inn Chris at Inn Entrance

Pretty barn at the Inn.

Chris at the Inn's entrance, just before we headed south to New York.

All material on this site copyright David Goldsmith 1998-2003. All rights reserved.