Walking around Siena

Courtyard at Accademia Musicale Chigiana Cistern in courtyard

On the way to Antonio's store, we passed the Accademia Musicale Chigiana. Our friend Ben had suggested we take a look in the courtyard if it was open. It was, we did, and were delighted with what we saw. Notice the back wall of the courtyard - the Accademia sits right on the back side of the Palazzo Publico on the Piazza del Campo.

A cistern in the courtyard.

Cistern in courtyard Loggia

The cistern from another angle, also showing the loggia behind it.

The loggia itself is quite remarkable - like a jewel box. The ceiling is decked out in gorgeous frescoes, and the walls display statuary.

Fresco Statuary

Close up of ceiling fresco.

Close up of statuary.

Fresco Hot pasta

Another portion of the ceiling fresco.

Continuing with our walk around Siena, we saw this great menu sign offering "hot pasta." We decided to opt for some pasta elsewere.

Jeff at Antonio's Antonio's

Jeff in front of Antonio's store, al Palazzo della Chigiana. Jeff particularly enjoyed this doorway.

al Palazzo della Chigiana.

Me after visiting Antonio's al Palazzo della Chigiana

Me, after shopping at al Palazzo della Chigiana.

If you ever find yourself in Siena and would like to purchase some of the local delicacies, I highly recommend you visit Antonio's store. It's just behind the Piazza del Campo, on a street that leads to Siena Duomo, right next door to the Accademia Musicale Chigiana.

All material on this site copyright David Goldsmith 1998-2003. All rights reserved.