We took a ferry boat out to the zoo, again taking in the wonders of Sydney Harbour.
We sat down next to this sweet little girl named Sandra. She turned to me and said "Can I give you a hug?" I assented, of course. Then she said, "Are you my friend?" We chatted for the entire short ten minute ride. What a perfect way to start a trip to the zoo!
An echidna, native Australian species.
Mandatory picture of a koala, asleep in a eucalyptus tree.
The zoo overlooks the Harbour, so there are many pretty vistas like this one.
Even the giraffes get a nice view.
Million dollar view from the giraffe house again.
Tom at one of the snack bars at the zoo.
The zoo has a pen where you can hang out with the kangaroos and emus.
Beautiful Australian pelicans.