The center of Dunedin is an octagonal shaped plaza called
the Octagon. This statue of Robert Burns is in the middle, in front of an Anglican
Church. |
Clock tower of a government building in the Octagon. |
Typical Dunedin street scene, looking towards the rail
station. |
Bezett's Quality Meats, home of the $20 meat pack, in
Dunedin. |
Kens for Pens. |
Another big, beautiful church in Dunedin, perhaps the
Presbyterian Church. As most of the early Dunedin settlers
were Scottish, there's a large Presbyterian component. |
The original jail has been restored, and it's still a
working prison. |
Dunedin has a beautifully restored rail station. |
Clock tower at the rail station. |
Waiting room at the rail staion. |